Big-n: Przelicz WEI na Ether
Big-n is a browser extension designed to quickly convert big numbers (wei) to Ether and vice versa. Developed by Koushik KM, this free extension is available on the Chrome platform.
Have you ever been frustrated when trying to convert numbers from wei to ether on websites like etherscan? Big-n is here to solve that problem effectively. With this extension, you can easily convert big numbers to Ether and vice versa on any website.
One of the key features of Big-n is the ability to select any big number and press Alt+B (Windows) or Option+B (Mac) to instantly convert it to Ether. By default, the extension uses 18 decimals, but you can customize the conversion to any decimal you prefer. Additionally, Big-n also allows you to convert small numbers (Ether) to big numbers (wei).
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